<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> survlrk.sas

/*------------------<--- Start of Description -->--------------------\
| survlrk.SAS -- calculates logrank statistics for the surv macro.   |
| It created no printout, but returns an output dataset to the       |
| calling program.                                                   |
| Note: PROC IML will be needed for the Macro;                       |
|--------------------<--- End of Description -->---------------------|
|--------------<--- Start of Files or Arguments Needed -->-----------|
| The following argumentss must be defined:                          |
|   data=         the data set to be analyzed;                       |
|   time=         the name of the TIME variable;                     |
|   death=        the name of the DEATH variable;                    |
|   censor=       the censor value, usually 0.                       |
|   strata=       the name of the STRATA  or class variable;         |
|   out=          the name of the output dataset.  This dataset will |
|                 contain one observation with:                      |
|   &strata = the strata or class variable;                          |
|   observed = the calculated number of observed;                    |
|   expected = the calculated number of expected;                    |
|   o_e = number observed - expected;                                |
|   rr = the relative risk (observed/expected for this strata        |
|      / observed/expected for strata 1);                            |
|   chisq = the chi-square value.                                    |
|   df = degrees of freedom                                          |
|   pvalue = the p-value for the probability of a greater chisq.     |
|--------------<--- Start of Files or Arguments Needed -->-----------|
|----------------<--- Start of Example and Usage -->-----------------|
| Usage: %survlrk(data= ,time= ,death= ,censor= ,strata= ,out= );    |
\-------------------<--- End of Example and Usage -->---------------*/
%macro survlrk(data= ,time= ,death= ,censor= ,strata= ,out= );
| Author:   David J. Camp, Michael A. Province|
|           E. Bergstralh and Jan Offord;     |
| Created:  1993;                             |
| Modified: 6/2/1993;                         |
| Purpose:  Calculates logrank statistics;    |
%let tol=1e-10;

/*  check for only one strata */
data _lrmstr;
   set &data;
   if &time=. or &event=. then delete;

proc freq data=_lrmstr;
    tables &strata/ out=_lr1 noprint;

data &out;
    set _lr1 end=eof;
    keep &strata observed expected o_e rr chisq df pvalue;
    if eof=1 then do;
      call symput('num_st',left(put(_n_,2.)));

%if &num_st<=1 %then %do;
   %put "WARNING - only one strata - log-rank test cannot be done";
/*  main processing */
%if &num_st>1 %then %do;
   proc sort data=_lrmstr;
      by &time;

   /* Invoke IML for the rest of the processing. */

   proc iml worksize=128;
   reset log;

   use _lrmstr;
   top = 0;
   obs = 0;

      /*  determine number and names of the strata */

   do data;
     read next;
     obs = obs + 1;
     this = 0;
     do i = 1 to top;
        if &strata = strats [i] then
                  this = i;
     if this = 0 then do;
        pop = pop // {0};
        strats = strats // &strata;
        top = top + 1;
        this = top;

     pop [this] = pop [this] + 1;

   close _lrmstr;

      /* Reopen dataset for calculation phase */

   use _lrmstr;
   d = j (top, 1, 0);      /* 'd' is deaths this time, each strata. */
   c = j (top, 1, 0);      /* 'c' is cases this time, each strata. */
   v = j (top, 1, 0);      /* 'v' is vector for Log Rank. */
   e_lr = j (top, 1, 0);   /* 'e_lr' is vector of expecteds --ejb */
   o_lr = j (top, 1, 0);   /* 'o_lr' is vector of obs  --ejb */
   w = j (top, 1, 0);      /* 'w' is vector for Wilcoxon. */
   sv = j (top, top, 0);   /* 'sv' is array for Log Rank. */
   sw = j (top, top, 0);   /* 'sw' is array for Wilcoxon. */
   n = pop;                /* 'n' is population left, each strata. */
   t = .;                  /* 't' is current time. */
   obs = 0;                /* 'obs' is observation counter. */

   do data;
     read next;
     obs = obs + 1;

     do i = 1 to top;
        if &strata = strats [i] then
            this = i;

     if t ^= . & t ^= &time then do;
        dc = sum (d);
        nc = sum (n);

        do i = 1 to top;
            temp = d [i] - n [i] * dc / nc;
       expd   =n[i]*dc/nc; **log rank expected events..ejb;
         if n[i]=nc then expd=0; **only one group left..ejb;
       obs = d[i];         **log rank observed events...ejb;
         if n[i]=nc then obs =0;
       o_lr [i] = o_lr [i]+ obs;  ** events for logrank test..ejb;
       e_lr [i] = e_lr[i] + expd;
            v [i] = v [i] + temp;
            w [i] = w [i] + nc * temp;

        do l = 1 to top;
            do j = l to top;
                delta = (j = l);
                temp = (nc * n[l] * delta - n [j] * n [l]) *
                        (dc * (nc - dc) / (nc * nc * (nc - 1)));
                sv [l, j] = sv [l, j] + temp;
                sw [l, j] = sw [l, j] + nc * nc * temp;
        n = n - c;
        c = j (top, 1, 0);
        d = j (top, 1, 0);

     t = &time;
     c [this] = c [this] + 1;
     if &death ^= &censor then
        d [this] = d [this] + 1;

     /* Fill in the bottom of the symmmetric arrays. */

   do l = 2 to top;
     do j = 1 to l - 1;
        sv [l, j] = sv [j, l];
        sw [l, j] = sw [j, l];

      /* Calculate the statistics. */

   o_e = j (top, 3, 0);   /* 'initialize to zero  --jro */
   stats = j (2, 3, 0);   /* 'initialize to zero  --jro */

   qv = v` * ginv (sv) * v;
   qw = w` * ginv (sw) * w;
   ev = eigval (sv);
   ew = eigval (sw);
   dv = 0;
   dw = 0;
   do i = 1 to top;
     if ev [i] > &tol then
        dv = dv + 1;
     if ew [i] > &tol then
        dw = dw + 1;

   pv = 1 - probchi (qv, dv);
   pw = 1 - probchi (qw, dw);

   o_e=o_lr || e_lr || (o_lr-e_lr);  *observed, expected, o-e, ejb;

   logrank = sv || v;
   wilcoxon = sw || w;

   varnames={"observed" "expected" "o_e"};

      /*  create the output datasets */

   create _lr1 from o_e [ rowname=strats colname=varnames];   
   append from o_e [rowname=strats];
   names = {"Log Rank" "Wilcoxon"};
   stats = (qv // qw) || (dv // dw) || (pv // pw);
   varnames={"chisq" "df" "pvalue"};
   create _lr2 from stats [ rowname=names colname=varnames];   
   append from stats [rowname=names];

   if (dv ^= top - 1) | (dw ^= top - 1) then
       print "Warning -- The degrees of freedom ^= strats-1.";


   /*  merge the output datasets */

   data &out;
      set _lr1;
      keep &strata observed expected o_e chisq df pvalue;

      if _n_=1 then do;
   set _lr2;
   proc sort;  by &strata;

   data &out;  set &out;
     drop rr1;
     retain rr1;  
     if _n_=1 then do;
   if expected>0 then rr1=observed/expected;
         else rr1=.;

      if expected>0 and rr1>0 then rr=(observed/expected)/rr1;
   else rr=.;
     if _n_^=1 then do;



%mend survlrk;